Cleaning services Cracow
The service includes a kitchen, bathroom, rooms and a corridor/hall
How much it costs
What cleaning consists of
See all answersYes, we assume that the same person will always come to your cleanings. After the first order and a positive assessment, the cleaner will be automatically assigned to the next cleaning. If the quality wasn’t good, we will select another cleaner - but rate and leave feedback in your personal account. You also can simply choose another cleaning or make in random.
You can skip one or more cleanings - cancel or reschedule the next order in your account or via a link in an SMS/email. Your discount and choice of cleaner/comments will be saved.
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Premium programs
* For more information about bonuses, check with your company's managers
If your company wants to become a partner and receive bonuses for employees, fill out the form below and our manager will contact you